
GO in and check a few things...

1. Check Windows Firewall.. it is possible that WF is blocking it and you might need to go in and exempt Cleanmem from Windows Firewall... i would recommend (if you are able) to get a different FW like Comodo Free.. or maybe Online Armor free (for free one, i think i prefer comodo, but right now using OA as i have the premium from a giveaway)... those tend to be a lot better than standard windows one and offer more functionality imho..

2. You have Winpatrol Plus correct? i know that WP monitors for system changes like that and maybe its possible that winpatrol is blocking it.. i just restored my system and installed OA Prem, Eset Nod32, SAS Pro (real time), MBAM Pro (on demand) and have installed Cleanmem on my win7 x64 and had no issue.. i had WP Plus as well on my laptop before restore and i used cleanmem on it as well and had no issues either..

those would be my first two guesses.. check those first.. for Winpatrol, you might need to go in there to the schedule part and maybe add cleanmem in it.. let us know how that goes..