Hi guys,

Sorry i couldnt post a comment here. My Stupid ISP shut down their server for maintenance for over 24 hours.

Paul,i am really sorry to hear things didnt go well for you with BD.
I have installed BD alongside NORTON and OA. I have also registered and activated my copy of BD.(Thanks again Mike).
No conflicts whatsoever, i am really pleased with BD. It is very fast and efficient.
I have used BD for only a day and was offline for another day, so i will post a more detailed review soon.Deep scan found threats and removed them. I would suggest that you try this on a 32 bit PC.

And guys, i installed Kaspersky CBE 2009 on a friend's computer yesterday.
It is a german promotion which began for Windows 7 launch last year and is still valid.
I was able to activate Kaspersky for 2 and a half months. It can be renewed for free.
Also performed updates successfully, but please remove any other security software before installing it.

Kaspersky CBE 2009 is a special edition for Computer Bild subscribers (and for us geeks who make the most of the oppurtunity). I can assure you its working 100%.
Im not giving any direct links Just search for "Kaspersky CBE 2009" in google and select Raymond's or 4free's links. Enjoy

I could have posted this under Freebies , but i thought Paul would need a good security suite after things messed up. Maybe Avinash will post it after verifying it.
