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Thread: Panda Cloud Antivirus & Firewall Beta (1.9.1)

  1. #1

    Panda Cloud Antivirus & Firewall Beta (1.9.1)

    Version 1.9.1 incorporates a full fledged firewall with application and system rules. This new firewall and its settings is available from a new tab off the main GUI. The full firewall included in this beta version is a smart community-based firewall which will automatically assign inbound and outbound communication privileges to processes. The automatic assignment is performed depending on its risk assessment as well as the direction of the communication which is being initiated. So if an OUTBOUND connection is being made by a Secure or Low Risk process, the process is allowed to communicate automatically. Alternatively if a process is deemed riskier, a prompt will ask the user to choose whether to allow or block the communication. A similar although stricter approach is used for INBOUND connections.
    The risk assessment of processes is calculated automatically based on many different conditions, such as safe lists, digital signatures, telemetry and prevalence, automated analysis of processes, etc. However users can also manually manage the firewall rules by adding new ones, editing, deleting, importing and exporting rules and prioritizing certain rules over others.

    As far as the antivirus part of the program is concerned, the new version comes with its usual bunch of fixes and improvements.
    Finally there’s also a lot of improvements in the antivirus part of the program, as always targeted at making Panda Cloud Antivirus even lighter and faster, as well as a usual batch of bug fixes.

    The full changelog can be seen here:


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Near You :)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Nikhil View Post
    Thanks Ash for the update
    You are welcome

    Some interesting points from the comments:

    Panda Antivirus PRO includes a firewall. But who knows…they may make a standalone version. Lets wait and see.
    There may be a sandbox feature in the near future. Who knows

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    The firewall will be available in Pro version 2.0 only and the sandbox(browser) feature is already available in the paid Internet Security edition, don't whether they will make it available for free version in the near future but I feel it will be just like Avast free edition -
    Auto-Sandbox, which is quite good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Panda Cloud now has firewall too.

    Panda cloud 1.91 beta has a got a full featured firewall now. Check this out .

    I think like webroot panda would soon switch to a completely cloud product.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by avibky View Post
    Panda cloud 1.91 beta has a got a full featured firewall now. Check this out .

    I think like webroot panda would soon switch to a completely cloud product.
    Old news. merging post with my old thread.

    Please use the search function guys

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