If I recall, the first downloader I had ever used a few years ago was Fresh Download. I have forgotten what it feels like. Besides, I was using 56K dial up modem at that time so I can't really say whether it was good or bad.

I think the closest to IDM from freeware category is Orbit Downloader. I was a huge fan of Orbit. But the new version of Orbit Downloader 4 was built with software updater, a feature I found "not so useful" because often inaccurate. Moreover, Mamutu has reported several suspicious activities from orbit and orbitnet. Not to mention its download source is placed on Brothersoft, which has reputation as "not so clean".

Just like ashwin wrote, it is buggy. The first time I used FireDownload was when it was still in version 2.0. Couldn't choose where to save your download to, couldn't pause downloading or you would get your Firefox crashes, and bad integrations to filehostar sites were FireDownload's common drawbacks. Its latest build after slow development phase is FireDownload 2.0.1 in which now users are provided with the option to define download location manually. But the rest of problems still.....
However in the end, I select FireDownload as my main download manager because it downloads faster than IDM and Orbit. It can reach the number of 100-110 KB whilst IDM and Orbit only 90-100KB.

There is one more, Free Download Manager. But, I think it is kinda bloated with less useful features like FTP uploader and unhandy method to download flash video. Luckily, there is the Lite version in which user can have the essential feature only.

By the away, does anyone use GetRight?
Basically, it is a paidware. However, you can use it as long as you want if you do not mind to be irritated by its subscription reminder. So, the proper term for GetRight is "nagware", the same that goes to WinRAR. Its speed? According to my experience, it is stably fast. It has torrent downloader, a feature that is not supported by IDM, but no online flash video downloader.