Quote Originally Posted by vivek View Post
Be getting bitten by popularity of FireFox,Chrome and Opera,this MS desperate attempt to make users switch to not only their new browser but win7 too,clever plot indeed.Maybe it could be faster than others who knows,but two things are for certain,One we need IE9 if we are using windows OS because for visiting certain sites and for manual updation and Two I can bet IE9 will also will be full of security loopholes,vulnerabilities,remote code execution exploit etc,.It makes you think that maybe MS is deliberately doing or something even deeper like a conspiracy,Hmm.
agree that it is a clever plot, but they can't stop users having IE7 & 8 to get updates from their site.

as they put a restriction making IE9 available only for Vista & W7, more hackers would be involved to break-in, hence causing more trouble for MS..

They think they r smart, but actually not..