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  1. #1

    (note please read all of this avinash, i'm trying to apologize for all the mess)
    I saw your blog post today when a moderator from told me about it. I read it and want to clear up some things, NONE of the moderators mail bombed you. After I got banned from there I was of course frustrated, apparently I didn't get banned for that argument with you Avinash, I got banned for swearing in the chatbox and apparently raymond is catholic so he was annoyed.

    So after that I thought it was because of you that i was banned because you managed to piss me off which doesn't require much effort as a lot of people know. So you can see where I am going, yes I did mailbomb you, I do apologize for that as I was being a bit naive.

    Also from reading that entire article I did notice one thing, it didn't include much detail on the reasons why you were banned. Moderators don't ban for no reason as i'm sure most people know and raymond is very selective of his moderators, he doesn't just pick the trigger happy moron who bans on sight, that's why there are not many moderators there and the current one is sorta working overtime as he's the only active one. Anyway, when you first signed up I didn't realize. I wasnt' very active on there and still aren't. But some people where saying things about you. Mainly that you were posting quite a lot in the Latest Releases section which some people were calling spam. Not enough to get anyone banned of course but it did catch the attention of the regulars. Afterwards I was looking around the forum a bit and I noticed that you were annoying a member known as Aish, but her username was aish20april or something. Aish was kinda close to me back then but now I dont' pay much attention to her as i'm far too busy doing other things usually. So of course after that i was sorta annoyed. She was very frustrated from it all and reckoned if she had moderator she would've banned you on the spot, (that's why raymond is highly selective of who he has as mod), so she was being really moody which I personally couldn't quite understand, she reckoned you were hitting on her but i could see that, I just didn't get why she was so frustrated. So I started sending PMs to you asking you to stop.

    I still do have those PMs as well and to help my memory I opened the first one up, in it i mentioned you were asked to stop by some members including Aish's brother but you didn't seem to comply. Which prompted my attention. It was weird that Aish was so annoyed, though i think it was just a girl thing but that was starting to annoy me, as again, i was fairly close to her. From reading through them I see your replies are somewhat justified, i was being a kid. But your message of course enraged me somewhat more, I was now of course going to respond as I always do.

    From the second PM I asked you to stop again, but in much more stronger words and teased saying that this was fun, yes it was fun for a bit, and then i started to get frustrated from your non compliance. From re reading these PMs from about 6 months ago it somewhat saddens me to see that I was being a bit of a kid in it all. I was letting my temper fire up too easily and of course failed to see reason in your words.

    In the third PM it was clear that the entertainment value was falling. I was exhibiting much more frustration from it. I did mention that the girl, Aish, was mature, and I can tell you that I dont' really consider her that mature anymore. She let her feelings get in the way on that day and caused a whole lot of problems between us. Seeing this now makes me feel worse of course about myself as I was not letting up from it all. In it was a lot of threatening about it being a crime etc. Which of course it stupid to say as you have no idea who Aish was, at the time you just knew her age, her country and her first name. You weren't asking anymore than that which of course wouldn't hold up in any court.

    Afterwards when I was telling another friend who was from Netherlands about this he decided to join and shoot you a PM, of course you mistook it for me and after explaining it you gave a nice sarcastic response. Which at the time would've made me laugh, thank god I did learn a lot form all this. In it I also quoted a very rude message from a person at Forum, which now doesn't seem nearly as fun as it was then.

    In the next one I continued to insult you by calling you an idiot. I tried to tease you by saying that it was really "brightening up my Friday night". Then in your response you called me a dirty pig, and insulted me more, It was clear that you were very frustrated in the argument, and soon that entertainment value would backfire horribly on me. As while I was laughing I do remember feeling a sharp hatred and frustration that would lead me to PM you to every response, which of course only made things worse. But you must've realized this as you did threaten to block me.

    The next one continued with the usual insulting words, I don't know about any of the other PMs sent to you though.

    In the next one I continued on saying that I don't flirt with 13 year olds, a fun fact about that is if i had said that a few months later it would be a bit hypocritical. Then I said you were a spammer and when you mentioned a sort of limit in the last PM I mentioned that it was retarded. Yes I do realize there is a limit, but of course by then when I mentioned I was having fun I really wasn't. By then If Raymond looked at the PMs i'd be in a lot of trouble for flaming other members, as it had happened before with an American member and of course nearly got me banned but that was in a more public situation. By then I was close to being banned and all this arguing was the "straw that broke the camel's back".

    In the last one you said you put me on Ignore, which was bluffing I think as when I responded with "Do I care?" to the PM you responded that you were going to kick my arse, and the rest I might not post as it probably will violate your rules.

    In the end of that I got banned, it kinda made me emo for the rest of that weekend and i'm sorry for all that went down. Though I didn't ban evade like you did so many times I did ask to come back. I did months later be unbanned but on very strict guidelines, I lost my star status and I need to re earn it but I am not really striving for it.

    In the end I did actually learn something, a situation like this did appear on another forum with a member. When I was arguing I noticed a pattern that was similar. So I just responded politely that I was going to block him and so I set ignore on him. Later we solved our differences over MSN and actually are sort of friends though we don't talk much.

    Now I'm willing to apologize for all the mess that I caused, and all the flame and rudeness and hope for your apology in return. If we can settle our differences you can add me on MSN through my e-mail on the forum and if we do get along again which I would hope then I could vouch for your return, though it'd be unlikely they'd allow you back for all the re registrations. I'm sorry for it all. If you don't want this to be here you can ban me from your forum and remove the post, but if you can at least accept my apology that can be enough and hopefully it'll make me and you feel better about this

  2. #2
    Avinash Guest


    I just sent you a mail. Here's the content . ( I am putting it here for sake of clarification)

    HI Brayden
    Thanks a lot for that thread and post.
    I am getting a clearer picture a bit. But lets clarify my viewpoint here.
    I am not the one about whom you are talking about.
    It seems both you and raymond mods taking me up as some other guy. Except "mail bomb" thing i recieved, rest of the stuff i dont know.
    As far as i remeber , i only made two usernames on raymond forum. The first was "Keeponsmiling" and the second one was recent one i.e. Avinashtech. As far as i remember , i never sent any PM from those two accounts.
    Perhaps all this happened with some other guy as i cant connect with anything you said. You guys perhaps treating me as someone else who made spats on the forum and all the stuff as you said.
    I heard from one of my fellow co-authors that something is related with some fight with "Braydon" thats you, but now i know it wasnt me at all. 
    Perhaps similar Name is making the confusion?? or what i dont know?? or was my account on raymond got hacked on first place? i dont know.
    Anyway thanks for clarification. Yes but that " mail bomb" was nasty . I wish i hadn't opened it as it was too badly worded.
    Anyway, accept your apologies for that mail bomb only as nothing else relates to me.
    Thanks a lot for putting all this up. It made me feel better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Is it not a good time to close this thread?

  4. #4
    @Grr Thanks, if you hadnt pointed out, i wouldnt have been aware that this thread was open.

    Well, since the issue has been resolved, im closing this thread.

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