Process Lasso v4.00.25

# Fix.Installer: When starting with elevated rights in Vista+, the task configuration specified only to start Process Lasso and its core engine for users of the Administrators group.
This is now fixed, changed to Users group so that Standard/Limited rights users also have it launched for them at login.
# Fix.GUI: Fixed 'Disable ProBalance when user is away for *other* amount of time' menu option (invokes config dialog now as it was supposed to)
# Fix.Installer: Installer wasn't remembering last install directory during quick upgrades
# Change.Installer: Switched installation directory storage (for upgrades) back to HKLM
# Change.GUI: Some minor improvements to activation procedure
# Change.GUI: 'Reset listview columns and sizes' now resets actions/log (lower) listview too
# Change.GUI: If configured to check, the updater now checks once every 2 days (was 4 days)
# Change.GUI: Changed the update checker so that it will be more likely to check while you're around and can take action
# Change.GUI: Grammar and language changes (translators: languages files already updated in most or all cases, but you may want to verify)
# Change.GUI: Slight View menu reorganization and other minor changes
# Addition.GUI: Log column changes now persist when you exit/start GUI
# Addition.GUI: Added ability to use per-machine instance count limits instead of per-session instance count limits on applications (see instance limits config dialog)
# Addition.Core: Added ability to use per-machine instance count limits instead of per-session instance count limits on applications
# Addition.All: Created first v4 build for Japanese partner (still in QA)
# Change.Docs: Updated text and a few screenshots