AntivirusMulti is a software which allows using multiple antivirus engine with multiple signature virus list and mutiple heuristic logic for a better result vs virus , software can scan for sample using multiple antivirus critical directory like download directory ,is not necessary which you have running multiple antivirus but is mandatory which you have installed multiple antivirus,software monitors a directory or a disk executing commands configured on the new or changed files

In grid into orange area you see existing setted antivirus ,you have three columns :
a) first column is “PreCommands” this columns display commands which are “pre” filename scanned from antivirus
b) second column display commands which are after filename scanned ,
c) third column contains executable console filename of this single antivirus .

Green area : this area have a text box for displaying setted working directory for all antivirus configured

Blue area : this area contains from up to down a text box for pre commands, a text box for post commands, a text box for executable name ,last text box is read only and you can change value using button “Path...” ,using this you can choose directory for monitoring,button Test”Antivirus” test your commands and your executable choosed on a file generated from application and display result.Commands are pre or post respect to filename which will be scanned .
Example: you have an antivirus that has an executable file in 'c: \antivirus1\ antivirconsole.exe' this file to scan a file has, for example, this syntax :
“c: \ antivirus1 \ antivirconsole.exe /scan= myfileforchecking.exe /clean”, loading this syntax into antivirusmulti you have '/scan=' which is a pre command which will be included in the box 'Pre Commands' and then you will have the command '/ clean' which is a command post which will be included in 'Post Commands' and you select the file 'c: \ antivirus1 \ antivirconsole.exe' using button 'Path ..' At this point you can test your syntax by clicking on TestAntivirus, this will execute your commands on a test file generated by AntivirusMulti if you have a correct result you can add to antivirus list this configured antivirus and when you have a new or a changed file in monitored directory antivirus is called using your commands.

Grey area: into this area you can find two button ,you can start monitoring and you can stop monitoring ,when application start also if you don't click “Start Monitoring “ a monitoring is started
if a valid configuration exists.
