An unprotected computer is virtually an open invitation for cyber criminals, whose numbers run in the thousands on the Internet today, and can easily cause considerable damage for average users. This is why we developed Ashampoo Anti-Malware for you.
Ashampoo Anti-Malware provides reliable protection against the following threats:

1. Keylogger, Trojans, Rootkits:
2. Worms, Viruses, Bots:
3. Dialer:
4. Spyware, Adware, Hijacker, Tracking Cookies:

How to get for FREE:

1. Go to the link below, enter ur valid email and click on Send

2. Check in email & confirm the request of the free key by clicking on the hyperlink you will get in the email.

3. After confirming ur email address, Ashampoo Would be sending u another email which would have the registration key

4. download setup and install from the link below:

5. Use the key from step-3 to register the software.