1. Are you following windows 8 updates/leaks? If so then which feature(probable feature, since we dont know whether it will be there or not) you like most?

Somewhat. It is still very early in development thus things will certainly change with it frequently.

2. When will you try it?

The day official Beta releases

3. Have you tried any windows 8 transformation packs/themes which is now everywhere in the net?

No. But have seen some pretty nice-looking packs

4. Any idea what will be its code-name?

New UI (Codenamed Mosh) and App Model (Codenamed Jupiter)

5. What do you think your system will be able to run windows 8?

Same as Windows 7 minimum requirements. Mine can run it with it's eyes closed =)

6. Your reactions on windows 8 news?

All speculative at this time.

7. Any application you want windows 8 to have by default? Or any application inside windows you want them to improve(i know there are many, please name 1 http://cdn.avinashtech.net/images/smilies/tongue.png)?

Improve the start menu, taskbar, and context menus.

8. Which site you are following regarding latest news/updates/leaks about windows 8?(If at all you are)

Microsoft.com and Avinashtech of course.

9. What are the Microsoft OS versions you have tried actually?

Every version starting from Windows 3.1 through Windows 7