Some may get confused on the hyperlink scenario and even I may have some specific definitions as compared to you or others. What I consider a hyperlink is a direct link to a download or file, etc... meaning, you click on the link, you get the file, document\within document or .exe or whatever directly but have seen where some sites consider a link to a whole site as needing to be put in code. That said, I'm not sure what your exact standards on hyperlinking are but perhaps a small example\s in the rules for those who may get confused? Just a thought.

I think a good idea to not use foul language to an extent would be another as it degrades the forum content more than helps it.

No spamming.

No racial remarks.

No derogatory pictures or comments.

No flaming.

No posting your email or others' emails < have seen that one get messy

Try not to double post in multiple threads.

No posting PMs, only to Admin or Moderator in case of problem.

Just a few off the top of my head, hope they help some.
