Quote Originally Posted by Avinash View Post
Today, I was just going through my adsense account.

I just saw the date of my first payment exactly matches with my daughter,s Birthday What should i call it? My lucky day? or something great in store for me?

Do i believe in luck? No i dont but this is something which is against what i believe. May be I am getting lucky.
The most important thing is to ask the right question... or phrase it the right way.

So, what I ask myself and others in situations like this is
What was the very first (thought / impression / feeling) you had when you were "struck by this 'coincidence'?"
Start there and proceed with fresh eyes, letting go of all preconceived notions (both those acceptable and unacceptable to your conscious conventions).

Just something I learned from my training in the sciences.

An example is Friedrich Kekule who created the theory of chemical structure that's fundamental to all of modern chemistry. He had been struggling for a long time with the structure of benzene and had a vision / dream of a snake biting it's tail. He paid attention to it instead of simply dismissing it as a day dream (some say he had been smoking some opium to relax on the way home.)

So... what did some part of yourself you usually don't listen to say to you when you noticed the "coincidence." ...that is the right question, IMHO.