raymond.cc is giving away free copys of Advanced SystemCare PRO 5 ....u just go the following links

just go the link to register yourself as a member of raymond.

Once you’ve filled up and submitted the form, check your email and click on the activation link to activate your account. Do check your spam/junk box if you don’t receive an email from us.
Once you’ve done that, if you’re not logged in, you can do so by entering the username and password at the top of the page in forum. Once you’re logged in, visit the giveaway link below and click the “Get My License!” button to request for the new Advanced SystemCare PRO v5.1 license code and the license will be sent to you immediately via Private Message (PM).

If you are seeing the error “You’re in a usergroup that’s not allowed to participate in this giveaway. Contact the giveaway administrator for details”, make sure you’re logged in first.
enjoy...thanks to raymond.cc