One of the members informed me about problems he faced while trying to access avinashtech forum and blog with the error message telling connection refused at port 80. I just checked it out on server end and everything seems OK.

If someone is still having some problem, please provide some details. Here's what I got as reply from my webhost.
There are no issues with the domain It is resolving properly. The issue might be due to the firewall. If your customers are still having problems while accessing the domain, let us know their local IPs so that we can check the firewall for any blocks. Also ask them to provide a traceroute to the server while the issue is there so that we can check for any external network problems. You can take the trace-route result as follows:

In Windows, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
Enter the word tracert, followed by a space, then the domain name.
eg. tracert

In Linux, take a shell and type

In Mac,
Open Finder, Applications, Utilities.
Launch the Terminal Application.
Type 'traceroute' and press enter.