KeePass 2.11 available!

Changes from 2.10 to 2.11:

New Features:

* Added entry tags (you can assign tags to entries in the entry editing window or by using the 'Selected Entries' context menu; to list all entries having a specific tag, choose the tag either in the 'Edit' main menu or in the 'Show Entries' toolbar drop-down button).
* Completely new entry list column engine; the columns are dynamic now, custom entry strings can be shown in the list, to configure go 'View' -> 'Configure Columns...'; the column engine is also extensible now, i.e. plugins can provide new columns.
* Added 'Size' entry list column (shows the approximate memory required for the entry).
* Added 'History (Count)' entry list column (double-clicking a cell of this column opens the entry editing window and automatically switches to the 'History' tab).
* Added 'Expiry Time (Date Only)' entry list column.
* Added options to specify the number of days until the master key of a database is recommended to and/or must be changed.
* Added support for exporting selected entries to KDB.
* Added 'FileSaveAsDirectory' configuration key to specify the default directory for 'Save As' database file dialogs.
* Double-clicking a history entry in the entry editing dialog now opens/views the entry.
* It's now possible to tab from menus and toolbars to dialog controls.
* Added option to turn off hiding in-memory protected custom strings using asterisks in the entry view.
* Added workaround for FTP servers sending a 550 error after opening and closing a file without downloading data.
* Added 'Unhide Passwords' application policy flag.
* Password Depot importer: some icons are converted now.
* {GOOGLECHROME} placeholder: updated detection code to also support the latest versions of Chrome.
* The main window now uses the shell font by default.
* On Windows Vista and higher, Explorer-themed tree and list views are now used in the main window.
* On Windows 7 and higher, the main window peek preview is now disabled when the KeePass workspace is locked.
* Installer: added option to optimize the on-demand start-up performance of KeePass.
* TrlUtil: added 3 dots string validation.

Improvements / Changes:

* Improved entry list item selection performance (defer UI state update on selection change burst).
* Improved special key code conversion in KDB importer.
* Icon picker dialog now has a 'Close' button.
* When sorting is enabled, the entry list view now doesn't get destroyed anymore when trying to move entries.
* Main window is now brought to the foreground when untraying.
* Removed grid lines option.
* Reduced size of MSI file.
* Various performance improvements.
* Various code optimizations.
* Minor other improvements.


* No file path is requested anymore when double-clicking an import source that doesn't require a file.