CleanMem 1.6.4

# The total processes on the mini monitor just wasn't cutting it. First the API would cause 1,100 page faults per sec. Then I switched it to use WMI to pull the process count. This lowered the page faults to 14. But turned out it also caused the WMI service to be at 1 - 2% all the time. This just wont do! The point of a monitor is to do its job without taking anything from the system.
I have dropped total processes from the monitor and replaced it with current page file usage. The monitor now has 0 page faults and 0 cpu :-)
# New features per user request. I have removed all 101 static tray icons from the program. The user can now set the colors and font for the tray icon to their liking :-)
# Small performance improvement, instead of the tray icon updating every 1 sec it only updates when it needs to.