late but sure I'm here with my review

Using Version 5.5.2 build 20090831 (this is almost an year old)

Before you use it make sure u have the necessary codecs installed. use either of the following:

--I use this

Installation allows to create desktop & quick launch shortcuts.

Upon installation it allows to uncheck the following options:

1. launch the appz
2. launch the webpage for other software's. it actually opens the following page:

On every launch it asks to register

It allows various settings for making the DVD, as shown below. Settings are very simple.

PS: don't know why the default language is set to Chinese...

Now a stupid thing. I downloaded from the site & although it shows an option to register, when i enter my license info (which I won at Avinashtech), it still says "This is a Trial version, Please buy the Full version". What the heck....

I now installed the Full version from the link in the email Avinash mailed me with the license code

Worst that it was an older version than the trial:

Version 5.5 build 20090817

Even after registering, link for purchasing is not grayed

I then selected the 1st option to create a DVD with Menu from 3 video clips totaling to 1Gb.

PS: it does not fits in the screen size. some portion is behind the taskbar...

Well it provides different background for the Menu

Following are the options for burning and temp folder

PS: cannot edit the temp folder location by changing the drive letter in the display Need to click on VOB and specify a new location.

Good thing that it allows to either Burn a DVD directly or better save the DVD file to hard-disk for burning it later.

It displays the current processing file:

If u stop the VOB creation process, it stops but doesn't deletes the incomplete VOB files.

The splash screen on
every startup is very annoying

There is no option to check for an update

There are only icons in the GUI, I would prefer to have a name also for them being displayed.