Quote Originally Posted by ashwin View Post
Vivek, i cannot find any review about Tizer Secure.
Could you post a link with some reviews about it?
And may i know what your current security set up is and why you want to switch from it?
Please do post it here, I and the others will try our best to help you

PS: There are many giveaways for Anti-virus softwares available on many sites.
IMO 89.99$ is very expensive, especially for an almost unknown security software.
Well I am using F-secure IS 2010 is it ok?TizerSecure is relatively very new so i guess no reviews,no actually I don't want to switch anything only i wanted to know how this performs against other biggies,since Kaspersky didn't do well in AV comparitives test.Yep $89 is no chum change but I will like you opinion after testing it,that's all,Thanks...

BTW,Tizer Secure are looking for free beta testers for now,but no rewards in return!