Quote Originally Posted by detailer View Post
Seems it does for some,but I'm asking myself,is it really worth jumping through all these hoops for a taste of this new multi purpose OS that's still in it's infancy? I mean,how much of it's functionality will we really get the chance to experience? We aren't even talking RC here,so unless you have a spare test box with some decent hardware kicking around,is it worth it? I'll wait for something a little closer to the final release,hopefully that I can run from the .ISO without having to re-invent the wheel on one of my fully functional PC's-not worth the time or the risk IMHO
I do agree with you and thats why its called Developer Preview or pre-beta build which means that its not for average users.

This build is for only those who want to have a test of what the new Windows 8 would be like. And its still atleast a year to go before the final version comes (no official dates are out still).

So, if you have a spare PC or even a spare Hard drive partition with 20-25 GB free space, you can use it as dual boot with your existing Windows. Virtual machines even if successfully installed Windoaws 8 wont show you what it is capable of. You need a physical install to test it. I am writing this from Windows 8 itself and its quite stable considering the fact that its still not a beta version.