Hello avibky,

Thanks for the reply. Well I mentioned sharing the connection, 1 wired(mine) and 2 wireless wifi. I'd like to ask if on that 2 wireless wifi connections, Online Armor and Comodo will be sufficient protection also..?

Forgive the ignorance bt what is DD-WRT..?

I do not think you will see an unidentified connection. IF your router is at your home some one has to manually connect through ethernet cable to it to acess it. As you have a non wifi router so you need not worry much.
-- A neighbor who got the same plan from the telco has also shared his connection. His is 2 wired and one wifi wireless. He see's an unidentified user often in the explorer>Networks...how can that be terminated...? What can I do if I have that? What may be the cause of it..?

Thank you