Task Coach Release 1.1.4

Bugs fixed:
Task Coach would not properly use the system's locale to select the language if the language was set to 'Let the system determine the language', resulting in the wrong language being used. (3064566)
Don't switch top/bottom and left/right margins in the print preview.
Refresh task viewer filters every minute so that when the task viewer is hiding inactive tasks, inactive tasks that become active also become visible. (3072013)
Displaying revenue in effort viewers was slow. The effort viewer has a revenue column that shows the revenue earned per effort record. Until now, this would be the task fee per hour times the duration of the effort record plus the part of the fixed fee of the task earned with this effort record. So if a task had a fixed fee of 1000,- and you had spent 10 hours on the task, an effort record of one hour would have a revenue of 100,-. However, calculating all this would get slow for larger amounts of effort records, so the effort revenue now only shows the variable part, i.e. fee per hour times effort duration. (3056540)
In the situation where Task Coach was started minimized in the system tray and with the setting "Hide window when minimizing" turned on, the main window would not be hidden when minimizing it. (3077271)

Features added:
Allow hiding composite tasks in calendar view. ()
In the tree/list task viewer, allow additional selection with Cmd-click on Mac OS X.