Quote Originally Posted by Ashwin View Post
I feel there is no problem disclosing that we used the same key for all the winners, we trust they will use it wisely. Its all about trusting one another.
And even if they get a failed activation notice, all they need to do is email me a copy of the email that Avinash sent him/her and I'll forward it to the developer and sort it out.

Actually Returnil offered us more licenses, but I told them 100 is sufficient.

And what gives you the idea that the license would work beyond 100+ activations?
I am not saying not to trust anybody but i am saying some things are better kept untold. These kind of situations can lead to license leak and finally it can turn into a pirated copy. No licenses are born pirated its the people who misuse it makes it one so we should take every kind of precaution to prevent it to happen.

And what gives you the idea that the license would work beyond 100+ activations?
So what do you think after 100 successful activations it will stop working?? If you think that way then i can assure you that all licenses don't work that way. Infact i should say 99.99% licenses don't work that way. Why don't you give me you'r winRAR license and take my Ashampoo Burning studio license and test it?? I can guarantee you both the license will work for atleast another 100 years before it getting blacklisted. Not all developers keep track of activation counts and that is why most pirated licenses still works. To be extra careful you just need to switch off the update and you are good to go. So never think that after X no. of activations it will stop working. It will always work.